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Nov 22, 2021

Think back for a moment to your childhood. What were some of the consistent themes you heard about yourself from your family and teachers? What did they say about your personality, talent, potential? Without getting into a therapy session, chances are how you were described when you were younger is still within you. Did you bury it or is it still shining brightly?

Disruptive. That’s what I was. I talked a lot and loudly, asked a lot of questions, had a mind of my own and shared what was on it frequently. It carried throughout adulthood. I’ve caused disruption in workplaces that have made culture better, reorganized systems, and ousted me out of jobs. As a coach, I disrupt patterns and limiting beliefs. I love disruption. Not for the sake of being unruly, but for the sake of creating change and making things better. Sometimes with great success and at times epic failure.

Disruption is defined as a break or interruption in the normal course or continuation of some activity, process, etc. I’d add it’s a suspension of a specific thought, pattern, belief, routine, route, even way of being. It can be powerful, positive, and life altering.

What in your life needs to be interrupted? What’s become old, stale or antiquated? What’s no longer working for you? What’s become dull and boring or how or you just going through the motions? In what ways are you on auto-pilot? What do you want to change even if you’re not sure how?

As you’re rounding out the year and planning the next, think about where you could alter your actions or thinking in a way that would better serve you and those around you. Determine what could use a little shaking up and get after it. Not sure where to start? Begin by noticing what you’re saying to yourself over the course of a day. Are you supporting yourself or criticizing? Are your thoughts empowering or limiting? A great first step is to disrupt negative and limited thinking in the moment and replace it with a thought that’s aligned with what you want to make happen. Do that for two weeks and begin to see the changes it yields.

If you’re responsible for generating revenue either as a business owner or sales professional, and you’d like to reach a new level of growth next year, see the Grow Revenue in ’22 workshop. It’s my version of disrupting the outdated goalsetting approach… and it works.


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