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Michael Kithcart and Laurie-Ann Murabito on Transformation

Aug 25, 2021

Season 2, Episode 31


Personal and professional development has been at the core of my adult life. Hard to coach and promote evolving and growth if I’m not committed to doing it myself! On the latest Champions of RISK episode, I’m joined by friend and colleague Laurie-Ann Murabito, as we share our biggest takeaways, shifts, and discoveries we’ve had since we started incorporating the Be Do Have approach. We’ve both transformed our lives from the inside out and wanted to share what’s happened and how you can, too. 



Be in Demand Podcast with Laurie-Ann Murabito

Be Do Have Series

Send me a note about your Be Do Have experience!



Michael Kithcart: 

Hello, I'm Michael Kithcart, creator of the Wynning Your Way framework and high-performance coach to sales leaders. Welcome to the Champions of RISK podcast, where we examine the many aspects of risk, so we can all face uncertainty with more courage, competence, and some humor together. Okay, as a coach, I just have to say, I'm a pretty big believer in personal and professional development, this has been with me, I swear my entire life. So it's not just because I'm a coach, I was just a big absorber of leadership books, stills training, self-help books, you name it, I probably have consumed it at some point in my life. And I'm such a big believer in it, because I know, it makes me better, I have evidence that it makes me better. And it's part of my growth journey. I also believe that what I learn, I then share with my clients to, you know, help customize and find the best fit for them. So today, I want to give you a little bit of an insight into a transformational program that I went through, and I invited a friend and colleague with me, because you know, there's always strength in numbers. She's been in this transformational coaching program with me. And we wanted to share a couple of our experiences with you not only what it's like to go through it, but what results have we achieved because we all have success stories, right? So today with me is Laurie-Ann Murabito, she's a success mentor for online businesses. She's also a speaker and author of two books and a fellow podcaster. Her Be In Demand podcast is great if you are an entrepreneur, and looking for practical tips it's a must-listen to. So we are going to be talking today about our mentor, Jim Fortin, and what's changed in us and for us as a result of being in his transformation program. So take a listen and enjoy.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

I'm Laurie-Ann. Where were we a year ago? July 2020.

Michael Kithcart: 

Well, we were fully in lockdown.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Yeah, we were.

Michael Kithcart: 

I was in the process of building the back end of my business full-on doing all the Kajabi. For me, I use Kajabi. And like building the email sequences and all of that for my coaching and group coaching.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Just doing that, from the neck up, I'm just doing, doing, doing every day.

Michael Kithcart: 

Feeling super productive. Because every day it was just like, a giant to-do list.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Yeah, I completely agree. And it was like, for me, I didn't always feel productive, you know, and something that we can get more into. But, you know, I feel like this time last year, like my really my habit, my pattern was, I would like to have high expectations for the day, like, today's the day that I'm going to get all the shit done. And something this, this is exactly what my pattern is. Something hard would happen. I would get frustrated, like, I'm not sure what to write, I'm not sure how to respond to like, let's just say a follow-up from a sales call or something. So in my pattern was like, I don't know what to do. So let me go do the laundry. I know it sounds funny, but my pattern is to And this is something that you know, we'll get more into that. I noticed that was a pattern of mine that I would just walk away from stuff.

Michael Kithcart: 


Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

And that's a form of process-, you know, like for me, like that's how I would procrastinate. And then so like it was just like it would be like one thing after another, which is why my business was so hard for me.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yeah, I feel like at that point, let this point last year. So the summer I felt like I was working towards something, you know, like it. But I wouldn't say that it was a lot of momentum. I was starting to get a little bit worn out like I was that person when COVID hit that I was there like for everybody, right? So like, people who are melting down and clients were like, what's going on? And I just felt like I had this purpose and I was going and I was super energized by it. By August, or September 2020. I was starting to get over that. I was starting to go like, Oh, maybe I'm just having a delayed reaction. And so I was doing doing doing and I was taking courses, and I was like learning, learning, learning. But I was starting to ask myself, like, Am I doing the right things that I need to be doing to like, grow my business that fatigue is starting to set in? Yeah, I'm having some flashbacks, as we're talking about this.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Unnecessarily good flashbacks. But, yeah, I was doing the same thing holding the space for so many people.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yeah. Yeah. Which we do, as coaches, you know, like, that's part of what we do and why people work with us. But at the same time, we're also business owners. And, you know, we're, we're building and growing and scaling our businesses. So there's, there's that piece too. And, you know, we're, we're coming together because we wanted to share our experiences that we the transformational experiences that we've had with TCP with Jim Fortin. And you and I, before we started recording, we're starting to talk about, like, how we even got introduced to Jim Fortin. So how did you start?

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Well, I found is that, the money class, and definitely was intrigued by you know, I mean, I've been of that, you know, I'm just gonna call it like a little woo-woo. Like, I get the like all that mindset stuff, but I hadn't like, it sometimes, like, for me up until, like, last year, it was so hard for me to wrap my head around, you know, like that I could have everything I wanted. But I had to be that person first.

Michael Kithcart: 


Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

You know, so that I could like, you know, if I acted like, if I not acted, if I stepped into that role if I would be that person, then I would be doing the things, you know, so that I would have that, like the business that I wanted the relationship that I wanted. And this is what we're kind of like getting to is like we did that we did Jim Fortin's free training that we do have.

Michael Kithcart: 


Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Which was like for me, it was like, Oh, my God, I like I never heard it explained this way,

Michael Kithcart: 

Right. To the point that I can remember a decade prior, I was working with someone, a coach, who was telling me that I needed to learn how to be because I'm like, a perpetual doer. Like, that's just how I get things done. That's how I achieve in life. That's how I excel. That's how, you know, I make shit happen. And she kept saying this to me. And I was like, What do I have to do to be? And she's like, No, no, no, you're not getting it. You're not getting it. So, Be Do Have was the first time where I was listening to Jim and going through it. And it was just like, oh, that's what she was talking about. Well, wouldn't that have been great if I would have gotten that a decade ago?

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Yes. Yeah. Me too. I mean, I've had, and I also look back on my life. And I've seen like little moments where I was doing that. I recorded another podcast about like, the basics like that, acting as if I'm like, sometimes I have a, which to me, like, that's what that being is. I think I recorded that podcast before we took Jim Fortin's Be Do Have. I'm almost positive because that's a early podcast episode for me.

Michael Kithcart: 

So you're already we're getting it. And we're having moments of-

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Doubt. Of, well not so much doubt, it was just so hard for me to wrap my head around it. But when I look back on my life, I see like moments of where I was like, Oh, I was doing, like doing that almost instinctively.

Michael Kithcart: 


Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

If that makes any sense.

Michael Kithcart: 

It does. Because if you think about moments in your life, right, where you wanted something to happen, or you want you either wanted an outcome, or well yeah, we'll just leave it at that- you wanted an outcome, and you didn't know how you were going to do it. But you just really wanted it badly. For me, it was I wanted to move to Paris. I wanted to do it. And so I declared it I said in one year, I'm going to move to Paris. I had no idea what I was going to do. I had no idea. But I- and so I didn't know this right. But what I did is I just started acting like I was a person who was going to be moving to Paris. So you know, what is the person who's going to move to Paris do? Well, they should learn French. So you know, I got private lessons. And you know, I started thinking about places to live and da da da da. All of that started to happen, and all that did happened. But first I had to see myself as a person who lives in Paris, right? So we all have these moments in our life where we've already done that where we think it's instinctive.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Yes, I think it's so instinctive in all of us, but We get taught not to be that way. So to speak, like, like, just because that's just like the way that this world is. And life is, I just want to piggyback off of your like you for visualizing you being in Paris. That's how I wrote my first book.

Michael Kithcart: 


Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

I kept- first I wanted to be an author. So I took a book of mine and I made a jacket like a, you know, and it had my picture on the back, and had a title on the front. I like, I made my like, just mocked up this jacket. And then I started writing a book, all I could picture was hitting the enter button when it was done. And I was submitting it to the publisher. I just kept going, like, that's all I kept saying, like, was seeing the ENTER, like me pressing down that enter button.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yes. And that's how you wrote your first book. That's how I wrote my first book. And how many books have you written out?

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

I've written two books and several workbooks.

Michael Kithcart: 

That's amazing. That's incredible. And, you know, so for anybody listening to the podcast, right, it's just like, think, stops, and thinks for a moment, like when have you wanted something to happen? What's a goal, a vision that you've had in your lifetime? And you got that outcome? And just, like, chances are you can in pretty short order, think of an example. Right?

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 


Michael Kithcart: 

Now, that's what we're talking about here.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Yeah. Now think about, like, really understanding this?

Michael Kithcart: 


Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Not just going through life. And like, okay, I'll like to take my chances on... but like, create, like, if you know, if you understand this Be Do Have, you can really, like wrap your head around it and apply it to your life, because that's exactly what you and I did. You know, we took the Be Do Have. I mean, it's free training too

Michael Kithcart: 

Which is incredible.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

It's insane.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yeah, because it's so incredibly valuable. And this isn't just like, you know, a 60-minute, here you go, 's Be Do Have, it's a three series, like, really, like, what happens is you go through, and you start to understand how the way you've been operating isn't serving you as well as it could be. And by making the shift and, and getting the steps to how to do it, you start operating in a different way that gets you the outcomes that you want.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Yes. And you know, what else I love about Jim's Be Do Have is, and for everybody who's listening like, it, the links are gonna be down below, to the training on both of our podcasts, is he doesn't do them one to like three days in a row. He does like the first training, and it gives you time to absorb it. I mean, I I appreciated that.

Michael Kithcart: 


Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Cause you're right. It's not just a 60-minute training. I mean, Jim spends his time with people and does the training but answers everyone's questions also, which I thought was so like, just so generous of him.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yes. And he gives it to you in very direct speech. And I respond well, to that.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Oh, me too.

Michael Kithcart: 

And, so I will say that Be Do Have, well, it is for everybody, and it's free training, chances are, you're going to get the most out of this. If you are a continuous improver, if you you know, are high achiever, you're operating at a high level, and that you're just noticing that you're not getting the outcomes, the way that you want to either they're not happening fast enough, or you say you want them but then you're just kind of getting stuck, and it's not moving forward. And this is another way that you can change things up and accelerate what you want to do and who you want to be who you want to be as a person.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

What do you want your life to be? Like? I mean, just being able to envision that, you know, a lot of people want, you know, like, better health, more money, better relationships. And I gotta say that you know, that we do have series, you know, and should we talk about the TCP?

Michael Kithcart: 

Yeah, I think we should.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Yeah, because we both took the TCP which is an acronym for transformational coaching program, which is Jim's signature program. And I gotta say, like, it has changed, it changed my relationship with my husband. It's changed my relationship with my you know, with my family members. You know, definitely changed my business. My health was already a top priority. But I have to say I like just being able to do some improvements because sometimes we fall into that trap of a little I'm getting older, you know? Like now it's like, I'm like, No, that's a bunch of bullshit, right? Like, I can still do X, Y, and Z. And I've challenged myself, you know, in the gym, you know, as well. But yeah, let's talk about TCP.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yeah, we both started at the same time, we took it last fall, because after we did, we do have that was what was offered, and you can walk away I go back to Be Do Have a lot. Because, you know, my background is in sales and sales leadership. And I have to say, like, from coming from an environment where it was always the goal setting, like, here's the goal, okay, we just break it down, we do it and go, using Be Do Have just makes this shift that makes the goals more attainable, and achievable in a way that I had never thought before. And so just having that experience going into TCP was was like a no-brainer, it's a 14-week program. It's very comprehensive. It's very community based, you know, and we're not here to fully talk about that. Except that, you know, you were saying what improve what you got out of the program, and what you noticed shifted for you, I'll share that my experience as I was going through TCP, we were looking to buy a new house. And I just decided that in a, so you know, Fall of 2020, I'm in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the super hot housing market, you know, people are outbidding each other and all those kinds of crazy things have been going on. But I just decided that this is going to be an easy process for us that we were going to find the house that we wanted. And we even saw one that we liked. And it was just, it was out what they were asking for, it was not within our framework, and all that they just kept visualizing like, this is our house, this is our house, this is our house, I can't tell you like the freaky stuff that happened. That we are, I am recording this in the very house that we wanted, not like just some idea of one, no, the very flipping house that we wanted, and it was easy. And we didn't even get into a bidding situation, because we were on it. So for like, there was the tiniest little window, and we got in, in on it. And so I used everything I was learning it through TCP out of this, and so much of it is like how I showed up, right, you know, and responded to things that made it possible. And I just I get I remind myself of this every day because I'm in it. You know, it just wouldn't have been the same experience. And maybe we wouldn't even have this house. If it wasn't for TCP.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

It's a good point to bring up because both of us have business podcasts that you know, this wasn't just about business. I mean, because it's really about us.

Michael Kithcart: 


Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

And us as just like as people as humans, that we're in a relationship with other people. And we also have businesses but yeah, it's also about I mean, I taught my sister, like you know because she just bought a house over the weekend also. Yeah, it was just like you said it was super easy for her. And that's what I told her. I said, just keep visualizing yourself in that kitchen. Like while you're making dinner right now. You know, while you're, you know, like laying in your bed at night, just like visualize that room.

Michael Kithcart: 


Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

And yeah, she, yep, she's moving. Also.

Michael Kithcart: 

That's fantastic. Well, and if there's anybody out there that that's listening, that's an athlete too, you're going to be very, a high performing athlete like you're already accustomed to the visualization. When I started sharing things that I was learning in TCP with my significant other, you know, he was a college football player, and he gives a lot of credit to the offensive line coach, who had him visualize every play every scenario, and how that made him. I mean, he's a Hall of Famer college football player and, and credits visualization as a key piece to that. So there's something to this.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

There's a lot to it. Yeah. Well, what's your favorite week of TCP? Can you pick one? And I'm only I'm sort of putting you on the spot because I already have a week that I'm going to share.

Michael Kithcart: 

Okay, well I'll be curious to see what week it is. I think the the most revealing week for me was early on and it was in identity. Because there was so much about identity that is also part of coaching and, that I found super relatable like I'm a certified high-performance coach. And there were pieces in that around identity that I found very compatible but different like, right, you know, they were complimentary. So I liked that. And, it just busted me in the chops because I had to, I felt like I had to look at identity differently and my own and how I use it and how it shows up in my business. So that was super powerful. What about you?

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

So for me, it was the self-integrity week.

Michael Kithcart: 

Oh, yeah. That was a Smackdown week

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Oh, it hit me between the eyes. Hit, yeah, hard. So I would consider myself to be a very self-integral person. But like, as life goes on. Like with each passing month, and each passing year, it's like, you can have your teeny tiny changes. And I didn't even notice that I'd lost my self-integrity. And so here's what's horrible. And I think I've shared this on my podcast before, I seem to have worn it like a badge of honor that the one person you'll let down is yourself. I wear that like a badge of honor, like, like, it was okay. But guess what, no, it wasn't okay. Because I constantly like the whole procrastination thing, like walking away to go do laundry or go do some other errands was all about, like, you know, I was just I wasn't being self-integral. If I said that I wanted to, like do this, like, send out this email to my list, you know, like, maybe like, do some reading do a video. And I would just constantly let myself down. And so that hit me between the eyes. And I was like, and at all. And way that one of the ways that like after you like to realize this, it's like, well, where can I get back into self-integrity? And one of the things that I started with one was self-love. And that's a whole other conversation for us to be having. It's about self-love.

Michael Kithcart: 


Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

And I and I think like, we'll also include down below, like a link to actually like, Jim Fortin has a free audio like on self-love. So there's that, but also, like, I just started getting up like when and not hitting snooze. Because I like like, right, then like, right there. It's just like, I made the decision the night before, I'm getting up at 5:30 

Michael Kithcart: 

It's such a great point, though, because I think a lot of people, myself included. When you say Are you, Do you keep your word? And we'll say yes. For the most part-

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

-To other people

Michael Kithcart: 

To other-Exactly. That's the big kicker.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

That's the kick in the teeth. Yeah, I'm Oh, yeah. If you asked me to do something, oh, yeah. top priority. I'll make sure it gets done. I'll do that for you again, like, you know, that's probably where the coaches in us come from, you know, it's like we hold the space. And we will do but some of those other things for ourselves.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yeah, yeah,

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Skip the workout, because we got something else to do. Yeah, you know, eat junk food because I don't have time for lunch.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yeah, all of those things. And we can In others, we can see the importance of the self-care of doing things that make a person feel better show up as their best self operating at an optimal level. But oftentimes, we're not so good at seeing it in ourselves, and the things that we're doing just erode it.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Yeah, that's a beautiful word for it. All of this stuff just erodes at us. And again, like if you look back, like when I look back on myself, I mean, just like they're teeny tiny changes in the wrong direction. That's what is that's sort of how I look at roading.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yeah, yep. Yeah. So TCP, which is a calibration like a recalibration of epic proportions.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 


Michael Kithcart: 

It is, um, and some people have gone through TCP, you know, year after year after year, because, again, as people who believe in continuous improvement, as we continue to evolve and grow, we're different people. So you can go through the same series, which is always a little bit different because of the people who are involved. Then, you know, the way things get positioned, but you're also different coming into it. And so you're going to be able to hear things differently, you're going to be ready to take on different challenges. So I just, you know, we've both gone through TCP again, it's offered twice a year. But it all started with Be Do Have, which is what we want to invite everybody into.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 


Michael Kithcart: 

And why we're providing the link to be a free course. In our show notes.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Yeah, absolutely. It's one of the best things I think I've ever had, if I had to, like, look at all the programs and courses and books that I've read, it is right up there. It's like this should almost be mandatory. They should be teaching this in school.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yes, they should. Because it is so foundational to everything else that you do. So I know. We're both excited to hear you know what people think about the Be Do Have series, and it's coming up here pretty quickly, the first part of September. So everybody, be sure to click on the link to find out more information about Be Do Have and get yourself registered for that free three-day session.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

That will change your life.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yay. And both Laurie-Ann and I just undersell everything, so you know, we're like Epic proportions! Change your life!

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Yeah, yeah. Any questions about it? Feel free to like it, we're both on Instagram a lot. So I'm gonna speak for Michael also and just like, send us to a DM. If you have any questions about it. We're happy to answer any questions.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yes, exactly. anything that we can do to enhance your experience we would be we'd be glad to do so. Thanks for talking with me today. Laurie-Ann. It's great to just share our adventure.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

It was fun to have just this real, raw conversation. And just be honest, you know, you know, whether with our audiences, which is what you know, which is what I'm all about, especially with my podcast is just to have real conversations with people.

Michael Kithcart: 

Yes. Likewise. Thank you.

Laurie-Ann Murabito: 

Thank you.

Michael Kithcart: 

If you're like most high performers, you are a goal-setter and achiever. But have you ever had a goal that wasn't hit or met? Or are you even noticing that what used to work for you isn't anymore? You know, you're so used to doing, but perhaps now your doing isn't getting the results that you want. And I get it because I used to be that way too. But then I started applying Jim Horton's Be Do Have method. And I started getting different outcomes. Once I made that shift to focusing on how I was thinking, I have to say it made a huge difference in the results that I was achieving. And now Jim is offering him do-have course, absolutely free coming up next week. And this is so beyond a one-hour workshop. It's a three-part live training series geared toward Transforming Your Life from the inside out and reprogramming your subconscious thinking. And you might be thinking, Wow, that sounds heavy, that sounds deep. But I am telling you, it's worth it. And it's free. Even if you do like absolutely nothing else in your lifetime, I feel like fundamentally Be Do Have is something that you can do for the rest of your life. And it will make a difference for you. But let me just tell you a little bit about it. Because it's a three-part series. It occurs over a week. So it's not just like a one-hour workshop. There are three different sessions. And it happens over the week. So you have some time to digest the material, absorb it, start applying it, and then builds on it each week. And you can sign up for the Be Do Ave series. It starts on September 2, it's free, you can sign up now on the link that's in the show notes. And you can experience for yourself the difference that it can make for you. I hope you'll give it a go. Because in this three part series, you're gonna get ked about what are the ways that you are being in your life. This is a reflective exercise e. And he poses questions that kind of make you stop and pause, like are you trying to Do more to Have more? And in the third series, he explains that to Have more you e more, as opposed to doing more. I'm not giving anything away, but just to give you a little in right as to what you will go through gh sign up by clicking on the link in the show notes. And for those of you who go through it, I want to know like, shot me an email, put my email line in the show notes too. And let me know what difference is made


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